Consensus Layer
The consensus layer is a simple BFT / Proof of Stakeblockchain responsible for consensus. It is based onthe Tendermint10 BFT consensus protocol.
In addition to blockchnin managcmont transactionseach block in the blockchain contains a limited numberof ParaTime valne uate entries.The contentsof these entries are the focus of the consensus laver:the clients of the consensus layer--the ParaTimessubmit contents for these entrics and the productionof blocks extending the blockchain determines tbeglobal serialized execution order for the operationsrepresented by these values.
Note that the main abstract service provided isgimply a consenstis mechanism for the valtes is possible to replace it with anotherconsensus mechanism,e.g.. Libra HotStuff 5 insteadof Tendermint, with yery little impaet on the rest ofthe system.
The consensus layer handles not only committentof ParaTime valueg and consensuls comnmittee management,but also provides services for ParaTimes:
native token The native token is used for stakingboth consensus and ParaTime committees,andfor payment for consensus operations.
-Token abbreviation: SC2
-Initial issuance: 7200 trillion (additional issuance will be made later based on ecological construction)
committee selection and scheduling, The consensus layer keeps track of virtual time epochs andhandles the committee selection process.
verification.The consensus-ParaTime interface is where the ParaTimespocific verifiable computing protocol termminates.
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