Consensus-ParaTime nterface
Abstractly, the consensus-ParaTime interface is simple: the replicated consensis nodes each accepts a submnitted value from the ParaTime layer that has undergone verifiable computing checks.and the consensisalgorithmn decides which of the subrnitted value(s) tocommit to the blockchain.
One way to think of this is to include a verification mechanism defined process that is co-locatedwith each validator process representing the ParaTimelayer as the consensus client.The verification-definedprocess handleg verification-specific communicationsand submits a single value to the validator processwith which it is co-located: thereafter. it is the iohof the validator process to reach consensus with itspeers in the validator committee about which mlueto accept onto the blockchain.
Rather than using a separate process, this is implemented as a code module used by validatorsthat receives messages from senders within the network-communication-levela verification-defined messaging interface and theconsensus layer exposes a stable code interface thatis used with this library. From an architectural viewpoint, combining this into a single process enablesbetter control over communications and schedulingFromn a deploymtent viewpointadding new ParaTimneswill involve consensus-layer managed configurationchanges for their registrationand-especially if a newverification mcchanism is to be uscd--minor codehanges that the network operators must accept.
We envision that if/when a new ParaTime needs to use an alternative verifable computing scheme,additional libraries (external interfaces) will be added here.
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